Media Design Artist
Catalina Giraldo

Sky Islands
Sky Islands: a past time travel in the Andes mountains is a short film based on the scientific publication "The flickering connectivity system of the northern Andean páramos" which has now been selected for a special virtual edition to be published in July 2021 because it has one of the highest citation rates of papers published in the Journal of Biogeography since 2009.
A first version was displayed at several venues in the Netherlands: KINO Cinema Rotterdam, Willem de Kooning Academy, the Royal Netherlands Academy of Science, and Science Park Amsterdam. Since its first version launch on YouTube [7] (July/2018) it has attracted over 9,500 views. As a result of this success, we created a new version in English and in Spanish for Environmental and Science Film Festivals. Premiered in 2020, the film became an official selection for international Festivals around the globe. The Spanish version was nominated for 3 festivals in Colombia and 1 in Ecuador, while the English version has been displayed at 8 festivals in Brazil, Angola, Burkina Faso, Ethiopia, Kenya, Malaysia, Namibia, Philippines, Rwanda, South Africa, Australia, USA, Croatia and Hungary. Finally, it won awards of Honorable Mention, Best Sciences Life Documentary, Excellence and Pantalla Verde, a digital platform in Latin America for environmental cinema. Targeting a wider public but also stimulating conversation about science and the environment on film, we aimed to create innovative and different outreach approaches for institutes studying biodiversity in general, to stimulate conversation about science through the use of new media and film for general public divulgation.

Official Selection of the #ScienceFilmFestival screened in Angola, Brazil, Burkina Faso, Ethiopia, Kenya, Malaysia, Namibia, Philippines, Rwanda, and South Africa . October 1 to December 20, 2020.
Official Selection of the Festival de Cine Verde de Barichara #Festivercol. The 10th Festiver Online
Official Selection of the Environmental Film Festival #Ecoador. Online
November 24 to 29, 2020.
Best Life Sciences Documentary
#Sci-On Film Festival
The Biggest Little Science + Fiction Film Festival in the World. Hybrid Online and Open doors
4-9 May 2021.
#Nature Without Borders International Film Festival, Nassau, Delaware, United States,
6 June, 2021.
Official Selection of the
International Science Film Festival.
(Online. Adelaide, Australia,
1-30 August, 2021.
Official Selection of the
#Festival Internacional de Cine Ambiental de Cali - FINCALI #ElCineEsSemilla, Colombia.
2-7 August, 2021.

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