Media Design Artist
Catalina Giraldo
A collaboration with the University of Amsterdam and the Piet Zwart Institute to celebrate, challenge and contradict the age-old question of happiness and as a part of the EYE on Art Researchlabs. Naturalmente was projected in the Cinema EYE Filmmuseum in Amsterdam, The Netherlands the 28th February 2017 and at the KINO theater, Rotterdam the June 20th 2017. Naturalmente was a video mapping projection on a sphere, the methaphor of the Earth. The happiness of well-being and connectedness with others and the environment around the Earth.
Happiness isn’t simply a pleasurable feeling, it overlaps with the production of hormones and it goes further than sex and food. Happiness is a sense of well-being and connectedness with others and the environment. While drugs, alcohol, money, arts, music, altruism and transcendence are also involved with a specific part of the brain which has a pulsating light of happiness. For this projection, the images implied a transcendental part of the life where animals show us how the simplicity of happiness remains on Earth.The life of wild animals is a connection with nature itself and it is within this connection that happiness resides.